Lucy Patarcic's article on Masturbation in Your Life Choices - October 2021.
'Masturbation - is it good for you? You can masturbate and have your cracker too!'
Lucy Patarcic's article on Masturbation made it into Vol 72 of The RAAF Radschool Association Magazine (The Ram), The magazine by and for serving and Ex-RAAF People and Others.
'Masturbation - is it good for you? You can masturbate and have your cracker too!'
A client recently told me that she 'always had ripper orgasms, but they seemed to be getting more intense', as she gets older and that she might even 'pull a hammy sometime soon'. She then asked me, 'What is normal?' Lucy Patarcic writes about what to expect as we age.
'The "Big O" and ageing - what to expect'
YourLifeChoices sex therapist Lucy Patarcic says many older adults forget about using protection once they know they can no longer get pregnant.
'Growing risk of STDs in older adults'
Sex therapist and counsellor Lucy Patarcic joins YourLifeChoices’ stable of columnists. In her debut column she addresses the sex myths she says are mostly commonly associated with ageing.
'Therapist tells how to keep your sex life on track as you age'
Lucy Patarcic was interviewed by a Teen Magazine - read her quotes.
'I kissed a girl'
Lucy Patarcic was mentioned in an article, read her quotes.
‘what we worry about in bed’
Lucy Patarcic was interviewed re awkward and unrealistic expectations around sex, read her quotes.
the good, the bad and the sex' (Pgs 148-151)
Read Lucy Patarcic's blurb re stepping outside your usual sexual boundaries.
'I never thought I would...' (Pgs 162-163)
Read Lucy Patarcic's blurb re sexual fantasies.
'great sexpectations' (Pgs 158-159)
Lucy Patarcic was interviewed on how hypnotherapy can assist women with orgasm issues.
'orgasm SOS' (Pg162)
'Lets Talk About Sex'... No Shades of Grey - Just the Facts
Elixir Education - Bondi Junction Club January 2013
'Using Hypnotherapy in Sexuality Work'
Education Meeting for ASSERT NSW
December 2010 (co-presenter).
After having suffered painful sex on and off for years and then receiving a 3rd degree tear after childbirth I really thought I was never going to enjoy sex again and that I would have to just put up with the fear of painful sex.
It was only a couple of months ago that I sought out hypnotherapy and had my first session (a weight had lifted off my shoulders) and I couldn't believe that only a week after my first session, my partner and I were having sex (not painful sex). By the second session, my fears had completely gone about painful sex and I was starting to feel relaxed and really positive about enjoying great sex again. Hypnotherapy is truly amazing!
My therapist (Lucy Patarcic) was very professional and I was completely comfortable with her. I am so grateful to have tried hypnotherapy and would recommend it to everyone!